Jeannie Bennett - Chair
Jeannie is a lifetime Territorian who has worked in NT schools for over 30 years as a teacher, and for the last 12 years as Principal of the Darwin Languages Centre. As principal, Jeannie managed a staff of 65, with a substantial budget, equipping her with significant experience which she brings to her role with Tactile Arts.
In the final two years of her principalship Jeannie assumed management of the Casuarina Night Classes, which was redeveloped as the Adult Short Courses, with a viable and economically sound business model providing recreational short courses to the community in arts, languages, and other interests nominated by the community. Her leadership experience includes skills in governance, strategic planning, HR, finance, community engagement and events.
Jeannie has an undergraduate degree in arts and education, a Grad Dip in Educational Admin, Master of Education and a PhD. she is now semi-retired, and works for CDU part time, mentoring new teachers in our schools.
Jeannie is also a hobby ceramicist and has been a member of Tactile Arts for five years with involvement in many of the craft fairs.