Tactile Arts Gallery, Studios and Office
19 Conacher St, The Gardens, Darwin NT
Email: admin@tactilearts.org.au
Phone: (08) 8981 6616

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 2pm (Except Public Holidays)
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 2pm
(Please Note: The gallery is only open during exhibitions and does not open on public holidays)

Tactile Arts Retail Shop
Parliament House, Ground Floor
Corner of Mitchell St and Bennett St, Darwin City NT

Shop Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 2pm (Except Public Holidays)

Tactile Arts Retail Shop
Botanic Gardens Gift Shop
George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens

Shop Hours: Monday- Sunday, 9am- 5pm

If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please click here.

Image: Andrea McKey, Low Tide, vintage brush, wood, glass, fabric, polymer clay, copper, metal and found objects, 2021.