Celia Cox

Textiles and Printmaking Studio
February to May 2024

Celia is a textile artist, based in Gulumoerrgin/Darwin. Her formal training in fashion design and garment construction has morphed into an obsession with all textile and dyeing processes.

Her current focus is silk painting; exploring this medium as a site for experimentation and subversion. The artist residency is an opportunity to explore the traditional ‘mistakes’ within the silk painting process; investigate these nuances and by doing so, subvert the traditional boundaries of the medium. While working from within questions of how the environment of Gulumoerrgin/Darwin during the wet season affects the interaction of materials.


Celia will also be holding an exhibition in the Tactile Arts Gallery from October 4th - October 19th.

See more about Celia's work here


Exhibition Opening
Friday, 4 October 2024 at 5.30pm

Workshops  TBA

Anne-Marie Cullinan

Textiles, Printmaking & Ceramics Studio

to December 2024


Anne-Marie is passionate about sensory learning and the resulting benefits to well-being. During her Masters by Research at Charles Darwin University into the effects of material handling, she developed a painting process described as contemporary fresco.

The multicultural Darwin community is her subject, her artwork seeks to reveal the subject's energy within the layered ebb and flow of paint and plaster, combined with her own artistic energy. The paintings explore the flow state, as the tactile materials drive the art creation. Smooth plaster, vibrant paint, and ochres are combined on a board to create a unique painting ground. Portraits are drawn in charcoal onto the ground and then sculpted in skim plaster as low bas-relief. Watercolour paint is applied over the plaster and then sanded or eroded with water to achieve a timeless textural surface. Her palette is inspired by the mineral paints of Renaissance fresco and the vibrant ochres of the Northern Territory, creating a connection in this practice between the two hemispheres of the earth.

Anne-Marie wishes to challenge her contemporary fresco process during the residency by experimenting in three dimensions. Building on past ceramic experience, she aims to create sculptural forms that receive plaster and paint. The fresco process will flow over the sculpted forms, revealing embedded portraiture and creating colourful, tactile sculptures.

Originally a commercial designer from England, she now lives and works in Darwin as an artist and educator.



See more of Anne-Marie's work here
Workshops TBA

Denise van Horen

Glass and Jewellery Studio
May to August 2024

Denise lives in the Blue Mountains NSW. Although a mixed media artist making Jewellery, Macrame, and Wire Sculpture she will spend her residency predominately looking into creating a collection of Mobile Sculptures using various materials.

While further exploring the essence of movement and balance Denise will add her unique creativity and vision into each piece.  Being drawn to nature, using natural materials, and upcycling where possible it would be inevitable to incorporate these elements into the collection while pushing herself into exploring new materials unfamiliar to her, relating to the Northern Territory.

Through her mobile sculptures, Denise seeks to evoke a sense of wonder and playfulness in those who encounter them, each piece will have its own unique story, inviting viewers to engage with their imagination and interpretation.  Living within a World Heritage National Park, bushwalking, and loving to travel our beautiful continent it will be imminent that the environment will influence and play a part in her work.

The collection will be called “Balance” as this can have many meanings.

Denise is looking forward to immersing herself for three months into a completely unfamiliar environment, climate, and culture of the Northern Territory to inspire new ideas.



See more of Denise's work here

Denise Instagram

Denise Facebook

Workshops TBC

Kelly Rasmussen

Textiles and Printing Studio
May to November 2024

Kel is a mixed medium artist based in Gulumoerrgin/Darwin recently completing a Batchelor of Arts at Charles Darwin University. Majoring in Creative Arts Kel enjoys exploring the interactions between the natural world and the digital world.

Through her connection with the Northern Territories biodiversity, she explores connections between textiles, lino printing, screen printing, photography, sketching, and digital media, often moving from one medium to another.

During her residency Kel would like to gain experience using different textiles, dying techniques, printing and with digital design.


Cover Image: Ioanna Thymianidis, Future Relic, aluminium self portrait in lost PLA casting, 2022.